Develop ultra fast with Prismane 🎉

Prop Types

Our package exports prop types for each of our components. They can be found useful by some developers. To access them just add Props to the component's name. They are exported at @prismane/core.

For example, the <Chip/> component's prop types can be imported by doing the following:

import { ChipProps } from "@prismane/core";


The main usage of prop types is to still keep the TypeScript support when creating custom components built on top of Prismane's components

import { ChipProps } from "@prismane/core";

function CustomChip({ children, ...props }: ChipProps) {
  return (
    <Chip color="teal" br={fr(2)} {...props}>

function Demo() {
  return <CustomChip>Custom Chip</CustomChip>;

Versatile Components Prop Types

Versatile components' prop types are generic prop types that have to have a value passed to them, so that you get the right type.

import { ButtonProps } from "@prismane/core";

function CustomButton({ children, ...props }: ButtonProps<"button">) {
  return (
    <Button color="white" br="full" {...props}>

function Demo() {
  return <CustomButton>Custom Chip</CustomButton>;