Getting Started
Learn about all of Prismane's components' API. Explore all of the props that they can receive and their CSS classesTypography
ActionButton APILearn about the ActionButton component's props and CSS classes.AutocompleteField APILearn about the AutocompleteField component's props and CSS classes.Button APILearn about the Button component's props and CSS classes.Checkbox APILearn about the Checkbox component's props and CSS classes.CloseButton APILearn about the CloseButton component's props and CSS classes.ColorField APILearn about the ColorField component's props and CSS classes.Field APILearn about the Field component's props and CSS classes.Form APILearn about the Form component's props and CSS classes.NativeDateField APILearn about the NativeDateField component's props and CSS classes.NativeSelectField APILearn about the NativeSelectField component's props and CSS classes.NumberField APILearn about the NumberField component's props and CSS classes.PasswordField APILearn about the PasswordField component's props and CSS classes.PinField APILearn about the PinField component's props and CSS classes.Radio APILearn about the Radio component's props and CSS classes.SegmentedField APILearn about the SegmentedField component's props and CSS classes.SelectField APILearn about the SelectField component's props and CSS classes.Switch APILearn about the Switch component's props and CSS classes.TextareaField APILearn about the TextareaField component's props and CSS classes.TextField APILearn about the TextField component's props and CSS classes.
AspectRatio APILearn about the AspectRatio component's props and CSS classes.Box APILearn about the Box component's props and CSS classes.Center APILearn about the Center component's props and CSS classes.Circle APILearn about the Circle component's props and CSS classes.Container APILearn about the Container component's props and CSS classes.Flex APILearn about the Flex component's props and CSS classes.Footer APILearn about the Footer component's props and CSS classes.Grid APILearn about the Grid component's props and CSS classes.Header APILearn about the Header component's props and CSS classes.Hidden APILearn about the Hidden component's props and CSS classes.Hide APILearn about the Hide component's props and CSS classes.Main APILearn about the Main component's props and CSS classes.Square APILearn about the Square component's props and CSS classes.
Data Display
Accordion APILearn about the Accordion component's props and CSS classes.Avatar APILearn about the Avatar component's props and CSS classes.Badge APILearn about the Badge component's props and CSS classes.Card APILearn about the Card component's props and CSS classes.Chip APILearn about the Chip component's props and CSS classes.Collapse APILearn about the Collapse component's props and CSS classes.Gradient APILearn about the Gradient component's props and CSS classes.Icon APILearn about the Icon component's props and CSS classes.Image APILearn about the Image component's props and CSS classes.Key APILearn about the Key component's props and CSS classes.List APILearn about the List component's props and CSS classes.Paper APILearn about the Paper component's props and CSS classes.Progress APILearn about the Progress component's props and CSS classes.Show APILearn about the Show component's props and CSS classes.Stack APILearn about the Stack component's props and CSS classes.Table APILearn about the Table component's props and CSS classes.Tabs APILearn about the Tabs component's props and CSS classes.
Backdrop APILearn about the Backdrop component's props and CSS classes.Dialog APILearn about the Dialog component's props and CSS classes.Drawer APILearn about the Drawer component's props and CSS classes.Menu APILearn about the Menu component's props and CSS classes.Modal APILearn about the Modal component's props and CSS classes.Popover APILearn about the Popover component's props and CSS classes.Portal APILearn about the Portal component's props and CSS classes.Tooltip APILearn about the Tooltip component's props and CSS classes.