Develop ultra fast with Prismane 🎉
Link displays an anchor and leverages it's functionality by having the ability to execute functions before redirect.


import { Link } from "@prismane/core";


<Link href="#">Click Me</Link>

Link Underline Styles

  <Link href="#" underline="none">
    No Underline
  <Link href="#" underline="hover">
    Hover for Underline
  <Link href="#" underline="always">
    Always Underlined

Foreign Link

Links that have the foreign prop will open in a blank page.

<Link href="" foreign>
  I will open in a blank page

Before Function

Link exposes the support for a before function, which will execute, before the user is redirected.

  before={async () => {
  I will log to console, before redirecting

Link Color

You can change the color of the Link component, by providing a value to the cl prop. This will also result in a change of the underline color.

<Link cl="primary" href="" foreign>
  I will log to console, before redirecting

Link Underline Color

You can change the color by providing a value to the sx prop and setting the text-decoration-color property.

    textDecorationColor: "lime",
  I have a different underline color

Link Underline Thickness

You can change the thickness by providing a value to the sx prop and setting the text-decoration-thickness property.

    textDecorationThickness: "4px",
  I have a thicker underline

Link Underline Style

You can change the style of the underline by providing a value to the sx prop and setting the text-decoration-style property.

    textDecorationStyle: "wavy",
  I have a wavy underline

Versatile Component

<Link as="strong" href="" foreign>
  Click Me


Please refer to the documentation below for a comprehensive overview of all the available props and classes for the mentioned components.